
Hi Proheat is an ultra high solids, fast curing, technologically advanced all purpose heat resistant coating.


Concrete, wood, fiber or Metal surfaces.

Commercial and residential roofs

Water tanks, Storage Tanks

Sumps and trenches

Cold storages


Excellent adhesion

Excellent UV resistant.

High temperature stability

Thermal and mechanical shock resistance

Abrasion and impact resistance – Excellent flexibility

Easy applicable and Eco friendly.


HI PROHEAT is packed in 1 kg, 5kgand 20kg Plastic Containers.


Depending on the porosity of surface 1 lt Approximately 30 Sq. Ft.s / Kg./ coat

on reasonably smooth masonry surface


Color                          :  white

Form                          :  R.F.U

Specific Gravity          :  1.05

Appln. Temp               :  >5º C

Service Temp             :  20ºC – 55ºC

Foot Traffic                 : 6 hrs   @20 ºC & 4 hrs    @40 ºC


Surface Preparation: The surface must be clean, sound, dry and free from oil, grease, laitance and any loose particles to ensure good Adhesion. Surface should be scarified, level and all defects repaired. Concrete and Cementitious substrates should be at least 21 days old.

Cracks up to 5mm width fill with HI-SEAL or Hi-Fix modified mortar in case of more than 5mm cracks on cementitious substrates.

Priming: Where necessary to seal of dust and cohesiveness to improve the substrate, Apply HI-PRIME as a Primer.

Application: Apply two coats of HI-PROHEAT on the properly primed surface, by using a Roller or Brush. Each coat apply with an interval of 2 hrs. On metal surfaces, prime the surface with Anti-Corrosive primer.


Do not apply HI-PROHEAT at temperatures below 5ºC or to be a frozen substrate.


Shelf life in unopened, undamaged packaging is approx. 6 months. Store in a dry, frost-free place.



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