Written by Hibond on August 17, 2018 in HI-SEAL


Hi-Seal is a single component, ready to use paste, high strength polymer modified cementitious patching mortar for the horizontal, vertical, and overhead repair of concrete and masonry.


Excellent adhesion

Coefficient of expansion similar to concrete

Excellent workability results in labor-saving

Repaired areas will breathe

Tradesman uses conventional practices

Excellent resistance in atmospheric temperatures

Traffic bearing in 8 hours


Appearance                                :        Cream Colour

Full curing Time                         :        5 days @ 300C

Specific Gravity                          :        2.5+-0.05

Coverage                                    :        15-18 running meter/kg

Sculpture Time                          :        For an additional 20 minutes after         

                                                                initial set, Hi-Seal can be formed

                                                                (shaved) by the edge of a trowel.

                                                                The finisher can shape (shave) the

                                                                contour during the period of time.


Hi-Seal is packed in ½ kg, 1 kg, 2 kg & 5 kg containers.


All cracked or disintegrated concrete or other foreign material should be removed from the patching area, exposing a sound substrate. Edges of the surface to be patched should be cut vertical or undercut if possible. Widen hairline crack using putty blade or knife. Expose crack up to cement plaster surface.

Pack the Hi-Seal into the patching area, troweling the minimum amount necessary to achieve an approximate level finished, then wait for the initial set.  Refill undulations over the first application after 24 hours, if required. For non-skid qualities, use a stiff brush to roughen the surface. Care must be taken to avoid the formation of cavities, Allow the coated surface to cure generally for 5 days.


It requires dry storage. The shelf life of the properly stored material is 6 months in the unopened container from the date of manufacturing.


Do not install hi-Seal unless substrate and air temperature is at least 400F  (4.40C) and rising for the next 48 hours. do not apply to a frozen surface. Do not use solvent-based curing compounds. Care must be taken to ensure proper concrete practices are used in the preparation, mixing, placing, and curing.


Hi-Seal is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-hazardous. However, any splashes on any part of the human body must be, washed with plenty of water.




February 16, 2020 @ 11:59


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